Friday, October 5, 2018

Clothier - ID 54

Listed here is npc info for Clothier showing hit point, damage, defense and other location information from Terraria.
Description for Clothier, this npc will spawn once you defeat skeletron and have a suitable housing plot available. If this npc dies from monsters he will drop a red hat item.

NPC Stats
  • Hit Points - 250
  • Damage - 10
  • Defense - 15
  • Knock back resist - 0.5
  • Is friendly - TRUE
  • Is town npc - TRUE
Item for Sale
  • Black Thread - 1 Gold
  • Pink Thread - 1 Gold
  • Familiar Shirt - 1 Gold
  • Familiar Pants - 1 Gold
  • Familiar Wig - 1 Gold
  • Many other vanity items during day, night, hardmode and events.
For T-Shock servers you can use the following command to spawn Clothier, type /spawnmob 54 1
Note the format is /spawnmob id# # (so you put ID number then another number for how many you want to spawn in one command).

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