Description for Dye Trader, this town seller will show up when you have a free building plot available, acquired a strange plant, and defeated one of the pre-hardmode bosses.
NPC Stats
- Hit Points - 250
- Damage - 10
- Defense - 15
- Knock back resist - 0.5
- Is friendly - TRUE
- Is town npc - TRUE
- Dye Vat - 5 Gold
- Silver Dye - 1 Gold
- Brown Dye - 1 Gold
- Team Dye - 1 Gold
- Shadow Dye - 3 Gold 75 Silver
- Available during full moon
- Negative Dye - 3 Gold 75 Silver
- Available during full moon
- Dye Trader Robe - 3 Gold
- Available during Halloween
- Dye Trader's Turban - 3 Gold
- Available during Halloween
Turn in strange plants to the Dye Trader and receive dye rewards depending on availability.
Always available
- Acid Dye
- Blue Acid Dye
- Glowing Mushroom Dye
- Mirage Dye
- Negative Dye
- Purple Ooze Dye
- Red Acid Dye
- Reflective Copper Dye
- Reflective Dye
- Reflective Gold Dye
- Reflective Metal Dye
- Reflective Obsidian Dye
- Reflective Silver Dye
- Shadow Dye
- Burning Hades Dye
- Gel Dye
- Grim Dye
- Hades Dye
- Phase Dye
- Shadowflame Hades Dye
- Shifting Sands Dye
- Twilight Dye
- Chlorophyte Dye
- Living Flame Dye
- Living Ocean Dye
- Living Rainbow Dye
- Infernal Wisp Dye
- Pixie Dye
- Unicorn Wisp Dye
- Wisp Dye
- Martian Dye
- Midnight Rainbow Dye
- Skiphs's Blood
Note the format is /spawnmob id# # (so you put ID number then another number for how many you want to spawn in one command).
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