Friday, October 5, 2018

Vampire - ID 159

Listed here is npc info for Vampire showing hit point, damage, defense and other location information from Terraria.
Description for Vampire, this undead monster spawns during the solar eclipse event once you enter hardmode.

NPC Stats
  • Hit Points - 750
  • Damage - 80
  • Defense - 24
  • Knock back resist - 0.4
Loot Drops
  • 50 Silver
  • Moon Stone - very rare
  • Broken Bat Wing - very rare
For T-Shock servers you can use the following command to spawn Vampire, type /spawnmob 159 1
Note the format is /spawnmob id# #  (so you put ID number then another number for how many you want to spawn in one command).

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